Lots more done since the last blog.
After a lot of 'Holts Gun Gum', the exhaust manifold blow is sorted, and the carbs are tuned properly. The proper sound of the Midget has now returned, and the exhaust note is truly fantastic!
However, Sod's Law says that whenever you fix something, another problem arises to balance out. True to form, the radiator developed a small leak... Afer 2 eggs, and a bottle of RadWeld, the leak has minimised, however it is still there! It's a new rad I'm afraid. While I'm there I may aswell replace all the hoses as some have begun to bulge and perish. That'll be another £100, then.
Talking of money, just ordered a load of stuff for the car this evening. Among other junk, I've ordered some sump seals, hardtop brackets, a handbrake cable (tried to tighten that up again at the weekend but it's at max tightness and still it isn't enough!), and a new back brake adjusting screw as the one that's in at the moment is knackered. With the MOT looming in the next few weeks, this isn't good!
Also found a cheap Mota-Lita steering wheel on eBay, bought that and fitted it - I think it looks OK but what do you think? It gives me that extra bit of arm-room as it isn't dished like my old Astrali one, and the boss is slightly smaller.

Mmmm... Wood-rimmed wheel...
The car is entered for its first 'proper' 12 Car rally next week. The bracket for the Retrotrip has been given to me, so that needs fitting. Bought some clip-on maplights to mount to the hood frame so I can actually see what I'm doing next week!